ButtonsĪ button is an item that can be selected on a DVD menu. A menu is a full-size, layered Photoshop (PSD) file with at least one button and one background. Almost everything has been laid out for you already you typically just need to tell the menu where to go when various buttons are pressed. If you’re looking for the easy road to creating menus, this is the way to go. You can preview each item in the list by selecting it a thumbnail graphic of the asset will appear in the middle of the window.Ī menu is a full-screen image that groups buttons, images, shapes, backgrounds, and text items. However, if you select one, you’ll quickly notice that Encore deselects all the other buttons-if you want to select more than one type of asset, just hold down the Shift button while clicking. Each group can be included or hidden in the listing by pressing or unpressing the appropriate button. The Library palette contains seven types of graphical assets: menus, buttons, images, backgrounds, layer sets, text items, and shapes, as shown in Figure 1-9. Next, choose the Corporate option from the drop-down Set menu at the top.
Click the tab for the Library palette to bring it to the foreground (or select Window → Library to open the palette, or just press F8 once or twice until it appears). The Library palette, in the second palette window, is a convenient storage place for graphical menus, buttons, images, and other elements that you can share among all your projects.